Membership Benefits

Join The Profitable Agent Today!  An inspired, interactive, platform with the content you need to reach the customers you want.  Each week you’ll receive:The Profitable Real Estate Recruiter Membership

    1. One week’s worth of easily cut-and-paste, consumer-centric enews content into your own email platform.  It includes:
    2. A Graphic (great for adding sizzle to your message, also just right to save to your computer and upload to your social media platforms as a visual for the week.)
    3. An Inspired Message – each with an empowering, passion-fueled theme
    4. Do It Yourself Home Tip – great tips for home savings, home improvement ideas, staging, etc.
    5. Real Estate Tip – Great call to action pieces to showcase you as the real estate resource they can count on.
    6. Something to Think About – expands on the original message and provokes further thought and action.
    7. Weekly Challenge – An action step you can take to move your business forward.
    8. Words of Wisdom – 5 quotes per week you can share.


    1. A Monthly Book Club Membership – We’ll spotlight a results-producing business book each month for fresh ideas and insightful skill-building.
    2. Downloadable tools such as staging secrets, scripts, how to build a salable real estate business and more…

New Content Each Month, Value-Added Training, Coaching, and Everything You Need to Compete Consistently!
